Guess what? A Facebook friend tagged me for 7 lines from a page ending in 7. So here we go. From page 7 of COLD FEET FEVER’ (working title of my WIP), 7+ lines:
Sam, minus his killer grin, pressed the door shut ever-so-gently. Massaging the bridge of his nose, he said, “We need to have a long talk about breaking and entering, but first things first. This headache’s screaming for a painkiller or three.” He removed his Stetson, tossed it onto a desk, and sauntered over to the filing cabinet.
Katie marched after him. “You told Sugar Dumpling she cured your headache.”
His eyes sharpened, displaying a lively intelligence as they met hers. “Little white lie,” he said, reaching for the painkillers and extracting two red pills. “She gave it her best shot.”
“I noticed.” Contemplating a speedy getaway, she gripped her purse tighter. “Do you always use your office to indulge in that sort of, of … activity?”
The painkillers disappeared along with a swallow of coffee. He grimaced before answering, “It was a win-win. She needed an ego-boost, I needed some TLC.” He shook out another pill and dry-swallowed.
Katie eyed him in disbelief. “You had pity sex with her?”