Guest Blogger – Lorena Wood

Please help me welcome the talented romance author, Lorena Wood! She has answered some interview questions about her writing that she would like to share with you.

About Lorena Wood

2015 03 09 - Lorena Wood PhotoWriter, lover, mother, wife, teacher, and student of life.

I’ve always had a love of words, including reading, writing, languages, poetry and the spoken word. I am blessed to spend my days teaching at a local college, or writing at my local coffee shop. If someone had told my younger self how amazing my life would become, I’d have worried less and celebrated more.

You can find Lorena at:

Amazon Author Page:

Why do you write what you do?

I am lucky enough to have married my soul-mate and I love to share that feeling with my readers. I’ve called my husband my knight in shining armor ever since we first met, and he fits the hero personality quite well. I believe in true love, so it’s not hard for me to write about it. I’m also a sucker for a happy ending.

How does our writing process work?

The first novel I actually completed was such an amazing experience, I follow that process with every new story I write. I usually start with the characters I want to write about, and then the plot follows. I have so many personalities in my head waiting for me to tell their stories. When I decide exactly who they are, I can firm up what challenges they will face on the path to finding each other. Some of the process is planned, but I like to let the story lead me. It’s as exciting as reading a new book. I have to wait to see what will happen as the story plays out.

How do you come up with your titles?

Some titles come to me right away, and others drive me crazy. My first book is called VIBRATIONS, and I knew from the first few scenes what the title would be. Other times it isn’t that easy. I hope for something to come to me as I write, but there are times I spend days brainstorming until I find the perfect title.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

True love is out there. I might write fantasy, but I’ve lived it too.

Are experiences in your book based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Oh my goodness, I’d never admit to that. But of course, I throw in events from my own experiences at times. It might just be a conversation I’ve had, something I’ve seen or a place I’ve visited. VIBRATIONS takes place in Arizona, where I lived for eight years. I’m sure some of the characters are created from people I know, but most are just figments of my vivid imagination.

What are your current projects?

So many!!! I’m currently working on a new series I’m very excited about. It’s a little different than my usual murder mystery romance. This time I’m delving a little deeper into fantasy and creating a world of angels and demons on Earth. The angels are hot of course, and the women are powerful in their own right.

I’m also having fun participating in some photo shoots aimed at authors and book covers. I get to direct some of the shots and get inspired at the same time. My daughter is getting ready to launch her book cover design business, so I’m surrounded by creative people and many exciting projects.

How did your interest in writing originate?

I always loved to read, and as a child I created fantasy worlds in my head. Star Trek was probably one of the first shows that impressed me to the point I began writing my own episodes. It was just for fun back then, but as an adult, I found I truly loved the process and eventually began leaning toward writing as a career.

Lorena’s Books

You can find all of Lorena’s Books on her Amazon Author Page at:

Here is one of her books:

2015 03 09 - Lorena Wood - Cover (Vibrations)VIBRATIONS is the first book in a series, and it’s my most popular book right now. It’s a beautiful story of a talented psychic that uses her talents to assist the Phoenix PD in their search for a serial killer. Nick is one of the local detectives, gorgeous in his own rugged way, and not interested in working with the crazy woman that threatens to derail the whole case. When Whitney’s visions point to the truth, Nick starts to pay attention. He soon realizes Whitney has put her own life in jeopardy, and he’s the only one that can save he, if she’ll let him.

Check out VIBRATIONS, read an excerpt, better still, buy a copy at:

Thank you for stopping by today. I hope that Lorena’s post has stirred up a desire to read her books. Please feel free to leave a comment, ask a question, let us know you have read the post.

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