(Originally published Mar. 7, 2007).
This week, I received my first quote for The Jaguar Legacy from a fellow RWA member, and I am thrilled.
Sharon Page, author of Blood Red, Sin, A gentleman Seduced, and Wild Nights, wrote:
“Hilarious banter, scorching sexual tension, gripping suspense, mysticism—The Jaguar Legacy has it all! Page-turning paranormal romance as hot and steamy as the jungle setting.”
Coming from Sharon, the “scorching sexual tension” and “hot and steamy” part is high praise, indeed, because she specializes in writing erotica.
But the part of the quote I love best is the “Hilarious banter” part. Humor, especially witty banter between the hero and heroine turns my crank, perhaps because I tend to look at the world from a slightly skewed perspective. An author must fall in love with her characters, and I can’t imagine falling in love with a humorless hero or an earnest and somber heroine.
I’m proud to say that even in their darkest moments, my hero (Kincaid) and heroine (Charley) manage to retain their sense of humor. To whet your appetite, I am dropping a few examples:
(Charley caught eavesdropping):
… Charley straightened up slowly, avoiding eye contact. She moistened her lips and whipped up her most ingratiating smile. “Eavesdropping is such an ugly word. I prefer to think of it as inadvertently overhearing a private conversation.”…
Charley barging onto a private archaeological dig without an invitation:
…Charley’s mind screamed, Keep your mouth shut, you idiot. Sarcasm will only make matters worse. Ignoring her wise advice, she tossed the businesslike approach to the wind and ploughed ahead. “You’re not exactly listed in the telephone book. Perhaps you could explain where I should have looked — under ‘K’ for ‘Kincaid’ or ‘S’ for ‘Secret Archaeological Dig’?”…
(Charley listening to Kincaid playing the bagpipes):
…The plaintive racket drilled into Charley’s brain like a jackhammer. Slowly, her heart resumed a normal rhythm. “I’ve never heard anything quite like it,” she whispered, scarcely believing her ears. “His playing is an insult to music lovers everywhere.”…
…Kincaid should consider it a miracle someone hadn’t destroyed the instrument of torture before now. Charley concentrated on finding the melody. Sure enough, a mournful bass-line moan underlined the distorted strains of Amazing Grace…
(Kincaid playing the bagpipes):
…Drawing in a deep, shuddering breath through one side of his mouth, he forced the air into his bagpipes. His troubles disappeared like magic and he lost himself in his favourite fantasy — leading Bonnie Prince Charlie’s highland charge, banners flying, to re-unite the Scottish clans.
After half an hour of playing, Kincaid’s cheeks were numb with the strain of maintaining constant air pressure in the bag. He made the wee mistake of loosening his facial muscles for a moment and the pipes let out the unearthly yowl his crew detested. Recovering, he exhaled mightily into the mouthpiece. A satisfying squawk and a renewed drone rewarded his efforts.
Colin exploded from the kitchen and barricaded the path, hands planted on his hips. “Enough, Kincaid. Truce. I can’t take any more of this racket and neither can anyone else.”
The bagpipes squealed their protest at the slackened air pressure. For some strange reason, his friends and crew never enjoyed his playing as much as he did. “Bloody hell,” he growled…
(Kincaid after a steamy, but unconsummated session with Charley):
…Kincaid flung himself on his bed and pounded the pillow. He ached in places that hadn’t ached since he was eighteen and he’d spent a frenzied hour necking with Martha McLeod in the steamy back seat of his dad’s old Vauxhall. The abrupt appearance of Mr. McLeod’s face in the car window had put an untimely end to what had promised to be an auspicious interlude.
It had felt every bit as unpleasant now as it did then.
He suppressed a groan I should head to the showers. Cold water will cool off the lads down there…
(Charley, contemplating leaving Kincaid):
…Enough wallowing, she thought and choked back the tears. If she allowed herself to continue the downward spiral, she’d disintegrate into a sloppy mess of tears, tissues, and gritty eyes. Weeping would only cause her sinuses to swell until her nasal passages were blocked tighter than a submarine’s airlock.”…
Hopefully, I have whetted your appetite enough to read The Jaguar Legacy upon its release. The official release date is March 15, 2007.