More Quotes

(Originally published Apr. 18, 2007).

I received two more quotes for my book, The Jaguar Legacy. Now, for someone to give a quote for my book, they first had to take the time to read the whole book. To me, this is a big deal, especially when the book in question is a first-time novel from a novice author.

One quote is from Kathryn Smith, a multi-published Regency, and now paranormal, author. Kate also taught the 5-day workshop entitled “How to Write a Novel” — the course that jump-started my career as a writer. She said:

“A skilful mix of intrigue and the paranormal, The Jaguar Legacy is a fast-paced, sexy thrill-ride of a tale that combines danger, magic, and romance for a highly entertaining read.” — Kathryn Smith, USA Today Bestselling Author of Night of the Huntress

The other quote is from Beverly Rae, another multi-published paranormal romance author. Beverly Rae said:

“Ms. Fisher casts a flawless spell of magic, adventure and tropical desire.  I can’t wait to read more of Ms. Fisher’s books!” — Beverly Rae, author of Love Times Seven

The kindness of fellow-authors like Kathryn Smith, Sharon Page (refer to previous blog entry about Sharon’s quote) and Beverly Rae (whom I have never met, but who, nevertheless gave me a quote) makes this profession very special. In my experience, most authors are more than willing to take time out of their busy lives to support fellow writers, whether offering critique, reading for a quote, brainstorming a plotting issue, judging contest entries, delivering workshops, offering encouragement, or generally lending a sympathetic ear when the going gets tough.

At this point in time, I would like to thank everyone who has reached out a helping hand to support me in my new endeavor.