I often get asked where I get ideas for my books. This is how the concept for ‘Horsing Around with Murder’ evolved. Settling on a location for my funny and furry Senior Sleuth Mystery series was easy—a dude ranch owned … Continue reading
Tag Archives: romance
How I Got My Idea for Horsing Around with Murder
New Release: DEADLY THANKSGIVING (A Senior Sleuth Mystery – Book 2)
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NEW RELEASE!!! If you’re looking for a cozy murder mystery crammed with suspense, humor, and animals with personality, look no longer. DEADLY THANKSGIVING has it all. With Thanksgiving fast approaching, Grizzly Gulch Guest Ranch faces foreclosure. Again. The only way … Continue reading
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When people learn I’m an author, they often ask where my ideas come from. Truth be told, plotting isn’t my strong suit. I’m not exactly brimming with ideas. When I started plotting Horsing Around with Murder, all I knew for … Continue reading
Why I Write Romance
Romance is a much maligned, often ridiculed genre, dismissed by both men and, sadly, many women. Denigrators claim we romance authors ‘churn out’ our ‘cookie cutter’ books according to a formula (so not true, by the way). Terms applied to … Continue reading
Funnel Cakes on The Boardwalk
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Funnel Cakes are deep-fried, sugary indulgences (a.k.a. junk food), a favorite on Atlantic City’s Boardwalk, the setting for COLD FEET FEVER. These crunchy treats (dribbled through a funnel into hot oil) are so delicious, both protagonists, even my sugar-and-fat-opposed heroine, … Continue reading
NEW RELEASE: Cold Feet Fever (A Romantic Crime Mystery with Tons of Humor)
I am delighted to announce that Cold Feet Fever, Book 2 of The Fever Series, is now available for pre-order on Amazon at the discounted rate of $2.99. COLD FEET FEVER A Romantic Crime Mystery with Tons of Humor Secrets … Continue reading
Sample Sunday: Staying True to My ‘Author’s Voice’
I re-write entire chapters numerous times in order to capture all vital elements with the best possible word combinations, while at the same time making sure I stay true to my ‘author voice’. That last one is the hardest. Invariably, … Continue reading
What’s Wrong With Genre Busting?
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When I started writing romance, even a whiff of paranormal, no matter how small, automatically classified the book as a Paranormal Romance. This was THE RULE. So I obediently classified The Jaguar Legacy as a paranormal romance because my heroine … Continue reading
Crank up Your Romance Quotient: 3 Sure-Fire Steps (Success Guaranteed)
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I am repeating this blog entry as my gift to all women who wish to crank up the romance quotient in their relationships. At the risk of sounding immodest, the advice I’m about to impart … Continue reading
Sample Sunday (Cold Feet Fever)
Here is an excerpt from the first meet of hero (Sam Jackson, bad boy womanizer and nightclub owner) and heroine (Katie Deluca, a take-charge event planner) in soon-to-be-released Cold Feet Fever. In this excerpt, Sam Jackson has just learned his … Continue reading