Real Men Do Read Romance

When I opened my email this morning, I found an amazing and totally unexpected review for my paranormal romantic suspense, THE JAGUAR LEGACY, in my Inbox. The title was, “Many Thanks,”  and the email was from —- wait for it —- A MAN. I’m still smiling with pleasure as I share the kind words he wrote:

I was trying to find something different in the book stores here in Adelaide Australia, but couldn’t find anything to interest me. I googled subjects I thought I would like, jungle, romance, action, and the jaguar legacy came up. I haven’t heard of you before and I don’t have an E book as yet, so I was able to buy a S/H book from Abe Books online. Got it and saw it was autographed by you. Read it and hung on every page. Great characters and story. I’m a slow reader so I made the book last for a month or so, but every time I went back to the story, my imagination immediately threw me back to that setting. I’ve told my wife all about it, and she will get stuck into it as well. Once again many thanks.
Regards, Steve

This review means the world to me. Steve took the time to track down a paperback version (now out of print as the rights reverted to me), have it mailed to his home, find my contact information, and write this email to let me know how much he enjoyed my book.

The new ebook version of THE JAGUAR LEGACY is now available world-wide on Amazon:


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4 Responses to Real Men Do Read Romance

  1. donna larkin says:

    How very wonderful Maureen!!! I must put it on my reading list. Looking forward to seeing you at the PVWG again this season. Cheers!!! Donna

  2. Not only do real men read romances, they write them too.
    Several years ago a cowboy/western romance author by the name of Leigh Greenwood had been the President of the RWA [Romance Writers of America]/
    The interesting things is that Leigh’s real name is Harold Lowry.

    • Maureen Fisher says:

      That’s wonderful, Robin. I’d never heard that, and I’m a member of the RWA. Must spread the word.

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